What’s happening in Italian in Term 4 2024
Bentornati! (Welcome back!) to Term 4! In Term 4, the focus for the Foundation students will be to explore the country ‘Italia’. Through the adventures of the story, ‘La Macchinetta Rossa’ (The Little Red Car) students will learn about some of the most famous landmarks that are found in Italy. Students will watch short videos to learn some facts about Italy such as, the colours of the flag, where Italy is located and some of the things that Italy is famous for, for example, food and art. Students will conclude the term with some fun craft Italian Christmas activities and will learn about Italian Christmas traditions.
Bentornati! (Welcome back!) to Term 4! In Term 4, the focus for the Grade 1 students will be ‘Le Emozioni’ (Emotions). Students will listen to various stories ‘Faccia di patata’ (Potato Face), Come ti senti? (How do you feel?) to learn the names of emotions in Italian. Students will learn to express how they are feeling and ask someone how they feel. Students will participate in various games and fun activities to learn the emotions. Students will conclude the term with some fun craft Italian Christmas activities and will learn about Italian Christmas traditions.
Bentornati! (Welcome back!) to Term 4! In Term 4, the focus for the Grade 2 students will be ‘Le Emozioni’ (Emotions). Students will listen to various stories ‘Faccia di patata’ (Potato Face), Come ti senti? (How do you feel?) to learn the names of emotions in Italian. Students will learn to express how they are feeling and ask someone how they feel. Students will participate in various games and fun activities to learn the emotions. Students will conclude the term with some fun craft Italian Christmas activities and will learn about Italian Christmas traditions.
Bentornati! (Welcome back!) to Term 4! In term 4, the focus for the Grade 3 students will be ‘Che ora sono?’ (What time is it?). Students will learn how to tell the time in Italian and how to describe their daily routine, for example, ‘Mi sveglio alle sette’ (I wake up at 7). Students will produce a booklet in Italian titled ‘La Mia Giornata’ (My Day) with Italian phrases describing their daily routine. Grade 3 students will conclude the term with some fun craft Italian Christmas activities and will learn about Italian Christmas traditions.
Bentornati! (Welcome back!) to Term 4! In term 4, the focus for the Grade 4 students will be ‘Che ora sono?’ (What time is it?). Students will learn how to tell the time in Italian and how to describe their daily routine, for example, ‘Mi sveglio alle sette’ (I wake up at 7). Students will produce a booklet in Italian titled ‘La Mia Giornata’ (My Day) with Italian phrases describing their daily routine. Grade 3 students will conclude the term with some fun craft Italian Christmas activities and will learn about Italian Christmas traditions.
GRADE 5/6:
Bentornati! (Welcome back!) to Term 4! In Term 4, the focus for the Grade 5/6 students will be ‘Giochiamo…’ (Let’s play…). Working in small groups, students will work in teams to design their own Italian themed board game. They will have to name it, create instructions and rules for the games and aim to make it engaging and fun! Students will be guided and supported throughout the task as they will need to include Italian vocabulary and phrases on their game, for example ‘Avanti due passe’ (Go forward two spaces). Students will be given the opportunity to share their games and play them in class once they are finished. Grade 5/6 students will conclude the term with some fun craft Italian Christmas activities and will learn about Italian Christmas traditions.