- Painting
- Printing
- Threads & Textiles
- Construction
- Clay
- Collage
- Mixed Media

Students attend one 60-minute session of Art a week with their class. Every second year the school holds an Art Show presenting the beautiful pieces of work which are celebrated by the school and the wider community. Each year the children at Westmeadows Primary school are involved in Book Week which consist of students creating a dust jacket front and back cover for their own picture story book.
Students develop an understanding and awareness of art elements and principles as they progress through their years at Westmeadows Primary School. Additionally, the program supports students to view the world through various lenses and contexts. They recognise the significance of visual arts histories, theories and practices, exploring and responding to artists, craftspeople and designers and their artworks. They apply visual arts knowledge in order to make critical judgments about their own work and that of others. Learning in the Visual Arts helps students to develop understanding of world cultures and their responsibilities as global citizens.
Student’s artwork is displayed in the Administration building, the library, Classrooms and in the Art room. We believe that all students are successful artist and celebrate, encourage and support showcasing this.