Grade 2 Term 2, 2019 Overview
This semester the Grade 2’s have had a large focus on ‘coaching’ during our reading lessons. It is an opportunity for students to read with another peer. The role of the reader is to consolidate prior reading skills and to attempt a new strategy each fortnight. Their coaching partner is encouraged to provide ongoing feedback to their reader throughout the session to assist in improving their understanding of the new strategy and to remind them of what good readers do (i.e. read with fluency, read with expression etc). To ensure that students see a clear purpose to the exercise, the coach provides overall feedback to the reader. This includes something they did well when reading and something to work on for the next time. Children then have the opportunity to reflect and work on these in future coaching sessions to extend their skills in reading. All students have responded well the new concept of coaching and have taken on a leadership role with enthusiasm. A big congratulation is in order for their efforts in supporting the Grade 1’s in starting their coaching journey through cross age tutoring.