Term 1, 2019
What a great start our new Foundation children have made!
The children are settling into their new classrooms and daily routine and are enjoying making new friends.
Our Foundation BBQ was a relaxed way for Foundation families to meet and the children to socialise. Thank you to all of those that attended and to the staff who cooked the delicious BBQ and opened the canteen.
We also had our very special Grandparent’s morning and enjoyed sharing what happens in our classroom and completing some activities together. Our family photo display looks fantastic! Thank you for sending in your photos.
Thank you to our wonderful parent helpers that have started in the grade. We are always looking for more! Especially to help us during our Maths and Reading sessions in the mornings from 9am-11am.
Please remember that the blue satchels are our main form of communication between school and home. They need to be at school DAILY. They contain the home reading diary and nightly home reader, along with an alphabet chart to practise letter/sound knowledge. Payments, bank books along with any notes can also be placed in there.
If you have any concerns/questions big or small, remember to organise a time to have a chat to your child’s teacher.
We look forward to your continued support throughout the year J
Many thanks,
The Foundation Team
Marisa Payne - OA
Paula Gilpin – OB
Georgina Gallucci 0C