What’s Happening in Visual Arts in Term 4 2024
During Term 4, the students will create a zoo animal inspired by the cubist artist, Pablo Picasso. Students will look at how he used shapes to make his artwork which will guide their abstract collage. Children will continue to work on their cutting and pasting while exploring how shapes can be added to their work. They will complete the term by creating a self-portrait out of plasticine.
During Term 4, the students have begun looking at the Australian artist Anna Blatman. During this unit of work the children will explore colour and colour mixing to either paint a landscape, a bird, a vase of flower, a pear or an apple. They will paint with thickness and develop their colours over 3 lessons, so they become bright and bold. The students will complete the term creating a rocket ship for a space glow gallery.
During Term 4, the students have begun looking at the Australian contemporary artist Peter Cromer. Students will paint a variety of plain backgrounds making sure texture is the focal point. They will choose a bird from one of his books to inspire their masterpiece. Students will create a collage using the paper they painted whilst learning techniques such as tracing, layering and overlapping. Students will complete the term by making a UFO for our space glow gallery.
During Term 4, the students will be glazing their clay monsters so they can complete their final fire. Then the children will be working on a collaborative piece with the grade 4 students. They will focus on creating paper mâché planets for our space glow gallery. During our lessons, the children will learn fun facts about each planet to help them make informed art designs and ways to present their work to our viewers.
During Term 4, the students will be creating an abstract piece that involves using a squeegee to create bold and expressive patterns. Students will be exposed to colour combinations as well as movement. This piece of art will transfer into a mindfulness activity by using a variety of black markers to demonstrate line, pattern and balance. Then the children will be working on a collaborative piece with the grade 3 students. They will focus on creating paper mâché planets for our space glow gallery. During our lessons, the children will learn fun facts about each planet to help them make informed art designs and ways to present their work to our viewers.
GRADE 5/6:
During Term 4, the students will be creating an alien for our space glow gallery. They will work collaboratively in small groups of their choice. The students will begin this unit with construction. Using newspaper, boxes, cylinders and other recycled materials to build their alien structure. Once completed students will move to sculpting by using a material called mod rock. This will cover the structure to make it smooth but also strong. Once the mod rock is dry a special glow paint will be used to decorate their masterpiece.